W3bP1n Electronic Work Instructions(EWI) Help Videos

Create New EWI
  • Go to W3bP1n.com
  • Create an Account or Logon to your existing account
  • Select EWI Create
  • Enter the EWI name, for example: My First EWI
  • Enter the version, for example: V1
  • Click Create

Create EWI Step by Step Operations
  • Go to W3bP1n.com
  • Create an Account or Logon to your existing account
  • Click EWI Profile
  • Select your EWI from the list
  • Click Operations
  • Operations are standard HTML text
    Create the HTML in a file on your desktop
    using any text or HTML editor program
  • The first line of the CSV file contains
  • column headings.
  • Click the top Operations Choose to select
  • an operations HTML file from your desktop
  • Click Upload
  • Click Save
Example Operations.html from SpaceShuttle demo EWI

Create EWI Bill of Materials(BOM)
  • Go to W3bP1n.com
  • Create an Account or Logon to your existing account
  • Click EWI Profile
  • Select your EWI from the list
  • Click BOM
  • BOM is created on your desktop using a spread sheet
  • and exported a local file in Comma Separated Values (CSV) format.
  • Click the top BOM file Choose to select the .csv file from your desktop.
  • Click Upload
  • Click Save
Example BOM.csv from SpaceShuttle demo EWI.

Revise (Copy to New Versions) from an Existing EWI
  • Go to W3bP1n.com
  • Create an Account or Logon to your existing account
  • Click EWI Profile
  • Select your EWI from the list
  • Click Copy
  • The EWI is copied to another version of the same EWI
  • Click Copy
  • Make changes to the EWI new copied version.

Create User Logon Account

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