W3bP1n Cloud EWI


W3bP1n is a public cloud based service on the Internet.

Electronic Work Instructions are created in HTML, the standard text format of the Internet.

Show me an EWI

Create your user account and your own EWIs. Use them for free in your manufacturing cycle.

Collect shop floor as build data using complex multiple page form with intricate equations and calculations. All information entered can be stored as partially completed assembly, then loaded and completed later by another user in another part of the process.

Design data entry on line with the form authoring tools on the cloud.

No database setup is required, as all form configuration and user data is automatically stored on the cloud database.

Bill of Material (BOM)

Your work can contain many images explaining your process.

Bill of Material (BOM) may contain an image of each part.

BOM columns are easily sorted, rearranged, and resized.

BOM is easily imported/exported from/to your desktop as CSV text files.

BOM column headings follow the first line of your CSV text file when imported.

No database setup is required, your EWI are safely and automatically stored and backed up.

Import / Export Cloud Your Cloud Data

Import/Export from/to your desktop. Store on the cloud.


@1997-2024 Microneering, Inc. All Rights Reserved Worldwide

Trying to improve productivity isn't everything, it's the only thing.