Cloud Data Management


W3bPage - combine and display all information, collected using many forms, on one web page.

One click save to the cloud.

Recall saved data and download to CSV format on your desktop.

One click to load previous entries and view/edit them.

Perform all operations from a tablet or smart phone.

Show me the Space Shuttle Data Collection in Cloud

Design It

Create multi-page complex forms with many calculations

One click save your new form design.

Create built in complex formulas.

    Calculate with currency
    Calculate durations with dates and times
    Calculate future/past dates and times
    Example formula for 10% tip: MyLunchBill * 0.10
    Example duration: FinalTime - StartTime
    Example dimension: DIMC + DIMD + ( 2 * ( DIME + DIMF ) )

Ten year backup of production information to met government standards.

Modify fields on the left side of designer page, see instant live view result on right side of page.

I'm ready to create my own web forms
Localize your Preferences

Show your date, time, and currency formatted just for you

Use currency inputs in standard W3bPage formulas

Use formulas to compute durations and other values with dates and times.

Modify fields on the left side of designer page, see instant live view result on right side of page.

I'm ready to select my language and country

12 Standard Bar Codes

Scan with smartphone to trigger phone actions

Scan using workstation bar code reader to move inputs to a second screen

Print your cloud page to get paper copies with bar codes

I'm ready to create my own bar codes
Export Cloud Information

Export in CSV, XML, or PDF formats

Select by date range

Search to find specific data entries

I'm ready to create my own web forms
Track History

See detailed history of what, when, and who makes data changes

Select by date range

Search to find specific data entries

I'm ready to create my own web forms
Activate or Lock

Make Active/On Line or Inactive/Off Line

Off Line Forms are not accessible for viewing

Take Forms Off Line for Maintenance

Lock Out Data Changes

Choose any widget/field of the form

Choose any value that will lock the form

When locked, data is viewable, but cannot be modified

Locked form is always locked except for specified values

Unlocked form is only locked for specified values

I'm ready to create my own web forms

Instant Web Page Validations

Validation of data by type:

  • Numeric
  • Date/Time
  • Number of Characters
  • Required/Optional

  • Large Sets of Valid Values

    Import lists of valid values that are allowed

    I'm ready to create my own web forms

    @1997-2024 Microneering, Inc. All Rights Reserved Worldwide

    Trying to improve productivity isn't everything, it's the only thing.